School Board News 9 May Meeting

The School Board met on Monday evening.
We welcomed Kevin Fraser as a community representative to the board. Kevin has extensive experience with the School of Instrumental Music.
The main agenda item was the 2016-2019 School Business Plan.
The focus area subcommittees shared their ideas around the focus areas of Excellence in Teaching and Learning, Supportive Learning Environment and Partnerships.
The staff have been working with their classes to explicitly identify the attributes of a Campbell Champion. This is now a peer voted award. The Board approved the changes to the criteria for the Campbell Champion program.
The new Students at Educational Risk policy was presented by Ms Bates, discussed and approved by the Board.
The board approved early close on 29th June 2016 to allow parents the opportunity to discuss their children’s progress following school reports going home on the 24th June 2016.
The next meeting is scheduled for 13th June 2016 at 7pm.