Positive Incentives Rewards

Positive Incentive Rewards

Staff at Campbell PS value the importance of creating a positive learning environment, one in which their exists consistency and clearly defined rules and expectations. We also want to ensure that our students’ behaviours and efforts are rewarded and recognised.


At Campbell Primary School positive behaviour and effort are rewarded in the following ways:

  • Merit certificates: Every student form Pre-primary to Year 3 will receive a merit certificate in the school year. Students from Year 4 – Year 6 will receive a merit certificate or Star of the Week ribbon in the school year.
  • Campbell Champion- Each term one student from each class from Pre-primary to Year 6 is selected as the Campbell Champion. The selection is made by both the class teacher and the students in the class. This student then attends a Campbell Champion afternoon tea with the principal. Parents/carers are also invited. The student then receives a Campbell Champion badge.

Students can be selected as the Campbell Champion more than once, but not in the same year.

  • Good Standing Certificate: Students in Pre-primary to Year 6 receive a Good Standing certificate each term. Students lose their Good Standing if they receive an in-school withdrawal or suspension. If this happens, they do not receive a Good Standing certificate for that term. Students in Year 5 and Year 6 receive a letter at the end of the year to acknowledge they have maintained their good standing for the year.
  • Home Reading Initiative: Reading Ribbon, Badges: Students receive a reading ribbon when they have completed 25, 50 and 75 nights of reading. They receive a badge when they have completed 100 nights of reading.
  • Each term the students are asked to complete the Holiday Reading Challenge during the school term break. If they complete 10 days of reading during the break, the students who returned the completed challenge are invited to participate in a year level reward activity. Every student who completes the challenge goes into a raffle draw to win a book. The class with the greatest percentage of students completing the Holiday Reading Challenge then win a class book awarded by the principal who reads to the class.
  • Maths Problem Solving ribbon – Each term a Maths Problem Solving Challenge is sent home. Classroom teachers select one student from those who have returned the challenge to present a Problem-Solving Ribbon to. Students are selected based on effort, progress and persistence in completing the challenge.
  • Teachers are encouraged to send students to the office with their work or due to their positive behaviours. Stickers and/or pencils are given to the students to acknowledge their efforts.