In Kindy ELT 2, students have been practising their reading skills by reading a ‘sentence of the day’ and learning that written words match spoken words. They also participated in some Oral News Telling to describe their class mascot visiting their homes last night! One student was even clever enough to share her home language by teaching the whole class how to sing ‘Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star’ in Mandarin! What a busy day!
In Pre-primary, students were continuing to practise their Maths skills by completing an open-ended Thinkboard to show all the different ways they can represent a number, and there are lots! They had to apply their knowledge about counting, place value, addition, ordering and size of numbers to name a few!
Students were also trying their best to apply the recent sounds they have learnt to spell new words. They needed to think carefully to remember to include two letters to make some of the sounds, as in ‘wh’, ‘th’ and ‘ng’, it’s lucky that the Pre-primaries are all such good spellers.
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