Created by Lynnette Bates
Monday, 7 March 2022 @3:07PM
Dear parents and carers,
This afternoon I received further advice from the Department of Education in reference to the recently updated WA Health rules regarding close contacts of COVID-19 cases linked to schools.
Effective immediately, household members are no longer required to quarantine with a child who is identified as a close contact of a COVID-19 case.
We understand that a parent or carer may still need to stay home to care for a child quarantining, but the rest of the household, including siblings who have not been identified as close contacts, are not required to stay home.
As a household member of a close contact, it is important to take extra precautions, where possible, including:
· minimise physical contact with the close contact
· sleep separately from the close contact
· use a separate bathroom from the close contact if possible
· wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use an alcohol-based hand sanitiser
· cover coughs and sneezes
· Regularly clean all surfaces (such as tabletops, doorknobs and bathroom fixtures) by using household disinfectant or diluted bleach solution
· wear a mask in shared areas or when caring for other members of the household.
It is important that members of the household monitor for COVID-19 symptoms, and if symptoms develop, get tested immediately. If a person living in the house tests positive to COVID-19, all household members are close contacts and must self-isolate.
Kind regards,
Lynne Bates
Campbell Primary School