From the Principal – 6 February 2021

Dear parents/carers,

I look forward to welcoming our students and all the excitement of day 1 when our school opens on Monday 8 February 2021.

The five-day lockdown for Perth, Peel and the South West ended, 6pm Friday 5 February, however some COVID-safe measures will continue until 12:01am, 14 February, details at

Campbell Primary School will adhere to the reinstated four square metre per person venue capacity rule, as well as limiting gatherings to 150 persons. It is also mandatory that all staff, parents/careers and other visitors on the school site wear a mask. The students at Campbell PS will not be required to wear a mask. You might want to let your child know that they will see staff wearing masks, and that teachers may take their mask off when teaching. Our staff will explain to our students the importance of wearing a mask as together we work through this transition.

There may be some impact on assemblies and school activities next week, but we will work through those. The main thing is that our students are back, ready for learning and we’re ready to teach them.

I want to assure you that the safety and wellbeing of our students and staff is our top priority and we will continue to follow the latest WA Health advice at .

Thank you to all students and parents for your understanding and support during the lockdown.

Meeting Phase 4 Guidelines

Week 2

We recognise that students and parents may be somewhat anxious at the beginning of the new year, with a change in teacher and classroom. To support a smooth transition and still follow the Phase 4 COVID guidelines, for the first 3 days of school parents will be able to drop off their child/ren inside of their allocated classroom. However, in order for us to comply with the square metre rule and social distancing requirements, we can only allow up to 4 adult visitors in the class at a time.

From Monday 8 February until Wednesday 10 February

PP to Yr 3

Parents of these students will be invited to bring their child into the classroom, spend 5 minutes or so to settle their child in and then will be requested to move on to allow a further group of parents in. Classroom doors will open for parents to drop off their child/ren in class from 8:20 am until 8:50 am. Students that are dropped off after 8:40 am will not be marked as late over the course of the first few days. The extended start time should allow for parents with more than one child time to meet each of their children’s teachers. Of course, if your child is confident to enter their classroom on their own, they can just enter their classroom from 8:25 am each morning.

Parents will need to:

· hand sanitise before entering the classroom,

· adhere to social distancing of 1.5 metres; and,

· spend just 5 minutes with your child and then exit through the wet area doors.

Your support with this is crucial in ensuring we get all students into their classrooms in a timely manner.

Students in Year 4 to Year 6

LA 8- Mr Kujawski, LA 9- Miss Gibson and Mrs Van Der Wielen; LA10- Mrs Holland and Ms Van de Weilen, LA 11- Mrs Cunningham and Mrs Battle, LA12- Mr Nowell, , LA 14- Mrs Perozzi and Mrs O’Neill , LA 15 – Mrs Suri and Mrs Fraser and LA 16- Mrs Leamon

There will be cones out in the boulevard area, clearly marked with your child’s room number. Your child’s teacher will be waiting at the cone to greet you and your child. Your child will be asked to then drop their bag and belongings on the hooks allocated outside of their classroom, this has also been clearly labelled and a staff member will be available to assist with this.

Students in Year 3/4 LA 13– Mrs McCormick and Mrs Slee’s class

Students will be asked to assemble in the Under Cover Area where Mrs Slee will be waiting for you.

We do appreciate your understanding and patience with this arrangement as we ensure we comply with the 4 square metre rule.

Starting Thursday 11 February, 2021

In 2020 our students developed increased levels of confidence, resiliency and organisational skills. In order to further develop such independence, from Thursday of Week 2 we will continue to offer parents the option as per last year’s arrangement, where parents can continue to drop off and pick up their child/ren from the school gates. Staff once again will be at entry points to greet your child/ren. If you prefer to drop your child/ren at the classroom this is also acceptable. We do, however, remind you of the need to wear a mask, social distance and adhere to the 4 adult visitors in each class rule.

Pre-primary to Year 6 students

· Parents have the option to maintain the student drop-off and pick-up at the gates, therefore allowing their child/ren to enter and exit the school grounds independently.

· School administration and educational assistants will continue to meet and greet students at drop-off and pick-up areas.

· Parents/carers that require communication with teachers are requested to organise teacher meetings at a pre-arranged time through email or Connect.

· Student drop-off should occur between 8:15 am and 8:40 am when the siren goes.

· All students that arrive before 8:25 am should assemble in the boulevard area where they will be supervised.

· Parents, students and staff will continue to adhere to social distancing requirements.

· Sanitising stations will continue to be set up in classrooms and entry points at the school.

Parents /carers are also advised that playgrounds will continue to be out of bounds both before and after school due to cleaning regimes.

Kindergarten families’ drop-off and pick-up times will be emailed out directly to you today.


Kind regards,

Lynne Bates


6 February 2021