Dear parents/carers, staff and students,
We have enjoyed a very productive term so far with all children displaying the school’s values of respect, resilience, and kindness. It has been a delight to see all students engaged in their learning and their independence each morning as they prepare for the day. We look forward to many up-and-coming events over the second half of the term.
Thank you to the P&C who have already commenced fundraising for the year and raised over $900 at their first uniform stall. They will be holding another stall on Wednesday 15 March from 2.15pm near the Comrie Road gates.
The P&C will be holding a Wacky Hair fundraiser on Monday 3 April for our students in Kindy A and Pre-primary to Year 6. The students in Kindy B will join in on their day on Wednesday 5 April.
The P&C are an invaluable resource to our school with a long history of parent involvement at Campbell Primary School. The P&C functions in the school include bringing parents together to share information and views, stimulating community interest and participation in education, school banking, fundraising to support with the purchase of much needed resources throughout our school, community engagement opportunities and community events. Each year P&C meetings are held twice a term and run for an hour.
The P&C will be holding their Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 21 March commencing at 1.45pm in the school library. All parents and carers are welcome to attend. At the AGM all the office bearer positions will become vacant and P&C members able to nominate for them. P&C members are also able to vote at the meeting to appoint interested parties into these positions. The P&C works hard to fundraise monies for the school and has already donated $2000 this year for the purchase of Numero cards for our students.
If you would like more information about the P&C please visit – The Western Australian Council of State School Organisations Incorporated (WACSSO). Please also refer to the link on the school’s webpage for further information regarding the P&C roles.
“ Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they have the heart.” ~ Elizabeth Andrew
NAPLAN TESTING Year 3 and 5 only
NAPLAN testing takes place this week, commencing Wednesday 15 March until Monday 27 March. Staff in these year levels, Mrs Slee and Mrs Kumar have all been very busy ensuring that our ICT is working well to complete the online testing. Students are well-prepared for this testing. Parents are reminded that these tests provide us with a snapshot of student achievement and progress in Literacy and Numeracy. The tests are administered separately and provide information to support whole school planning and initiatives to focus on student improvement. The tests will run throughout the week, and we ask that all students in these year levels attend school on time and every day to complete the testing. For more information regarding NAPLAN please visit the Department’s website here NAPLAN – Department of Education
Voluntary Contributions
A huge thank you to the families that have paid their voluntary contributions already this year. We encourage all our families to make this payment as all the monies go directly to supporting your child’s education. Progress payments are welcome and can be paid at the School Administration or by direct deposit into the school bank account.
How to Make Payments
Payment of Contributions can be paid via the QKR! by MasterCard app at any time.
Payment of Contributions can also be made at the school office by cash, cheque or EFTPOS or by direct deposit into the school bank account
Campbell PS BSB 066 040 Acct No. 1990 1017
Please note child’s name in details
Classroom Communication
Parents are reminded that the electronic platform to communicate with parents is CONNECT. If you are experiencing any difficulties with this platform, please contact the front office.
Reading at Campbell Primary School
At Campbell PS we love reading and love to promote reading. Congratulations to LA18 who had the greatest number of students complete the Summer Holiday Reading Challenge.
In Semester 2 last year, the English Committee devised a new Home Reading Initiative for our School. It rewards students who read at least four nights per week with ribbons and a Reading Star badge once they reach 100 nights of reading. For more information, please see the website here Literacy | Campbell Primary School.
Harmony Week 2023
Harmony week is a time to celebrate Australian multiculturalism. The Harmony Day message is that everybody belongs.
At CPS we have 59% of our families with a Language Background other than English. During Harmony week we recognise diversity and inclusion. To celebrate, students and their families are be invited to come to school in their cultural dress or Orange on Friday 24 March. On this morning, we will be holding a family Harmony Day Parade whereby all students will parade with their classes through the boulevard. Families are welcome to walk with their child’s class. Kindy A will have their parade on Monday 27 March 2023.
Orange is the colour chosen to represent Harmony Week because orange signifies social communication, the freedom of ideas and encouragement of mutual respect. For more information regarding Harmony Day see the website here Harmony week – Everyone belongs.
Paige Goodsell
Associate Principal/ Principal
March 2023