Jumps, Throws and Long Distance Running – Athletics Carnival – Fact Sheet

Please see below for the answers to some frequently asked questions regarding the selection of students for the Jumps, Throws and Long Distance Running Races.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How does my child get chosen for a jumps events?

A. Every student in Year 3 -6 are taught the skills and given opportunities to practice the skill before jumps are measured during their Physical Education classes. The two students with longest distance from each faction in each year level are selected to compete in long jump or triple jump. The student with the third longest jump is allocated as the reserve.


Q. How does my child get chosen for throw events?

A. Every student in Year 3 -6 are taught the skills and given opportunities to practice the skill before their throws are measured during their Physical Education classes. The two students with longest distance from each faction in each year level are selected to compete in tee-ball or javelin event. The student with the third longest throw is allocated as the reserve.


Q. How does my child get chosen for long distance races?

A. Every student in Year 3 -6 are taught running skills and are timed during their Physical Education classes. The two students with the fastest times from each faction in each year level are selected to compete in 200m or 400m events. The student with the third fastest time is then allocated as the reserve.


Q. Does my child get to participate or watch the event if they are a reserve?

A. Students that are a reserve are only to compete if a student is absent or injured. Reserves are to stay in class and are collected if they are needed to compete on the day.


Q. How are championship points allocated?

A. Students are allocated championship points for placing in individual events.

1st place is allocated 5 points, 2nd place is allocated 3 points, 3rd place is allocated 2 points, 4th place is allocated 1 point.


Q. Are spectators able to attend the jumps and throw events?

A. Spectators are welcome to attend but are respectfully asked to stay within the bunted off areas and maintain appropriate social distancing.