Lockdown – Frequently asked questions 1 February, 2021

When will my child be able to return to school?

At this stage students will commence Term 1, 2021 on Monday, 8 February 2021. 


I am an essential worker; will staff be onsite this week to supervise my child if required?

No, schools are not open. Staff will not be on site or available to provide supervision to students.


Will my child’s teacher provide remote learning for the week of lockdown?

No, staff are not expected to provide remote learning to students during this week of lockdown. As per the Premier’s announcement, school holidays have been extended by one week. Staff may use this week to prepare for the possibility of a move to remote learning should the need arise in the future.


I would like to provide some educational activities at home for my child, where can I get help with this?

Parents can make use of the Learning at Home resources on the Department’s website.



Is the school’s before and after school provider able to open?

This is currently under review through the school’s provider with communication to be provided directly from Helping Hands in the near future.


Will any activities planned for Week 2 go ahead?

At this point in time, the lockdown is until 6:00pm Friday, 5 February 2021. The Department will provide up to date information as it becomes available to the school. This will be shared promptly with all parents. Parents are reminded to regularly check the school’s webpage, Facebook page and CONNECT.


Who will look after any animals or plants on the school site during lockdown?

The Principal will determine who is required to undertake activities to provide the necessary animal welfare and garden maintenance.


Where might I find further information regarding the lockdown?

WA.gov.au website.