Music Informances

This year Campbell Primary School is trialling a new format of reporting to parents in Music. In addition to receiving subject area grades for Music, parents will be given the opportunity to view a variety of activities that the children have learnt this semester during music classes.  This is titled a Music Informance and you are warmly invited to attend.

For students who have Music this semester, this session will take place during week 8 of this term.  All sessions will take place in the undercover area. Please note below the date and time for your child’s class:

Year One
ELA 4 Tuesday 3 December 11.00-12.00pm
ELA 5 Thursday 5 December 12.00-1.00pm
ELA 6 Wednesday 4 December 9.40-10.40am
Year One/Two
LA 24 Wednesday 4 December 8.40-9.40am
Year Two
LA 21 Tuesday 3 December 12.00-1.00pm
LA 22 Wednesday 4 December 11.00-12.00pm
LA 23 Thursday 5 December 11.00-12.00pm
Year Six
LA 12 Tuesday 3 December 1.50-2.50pm
LA 13 Tuesday 3 December 9.40-10.40am
LA 14 Wednesday 4 December 12.00-1.00pm


I am very excited about this opportunity to share with you the skills of our Campbell students in the general Music classroom environment. I do hope many parents can attend to celebrate the success of their child and share a rich experience for both students and parents.

If you have any questions about the parent viewing sessions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the school or via email on