Parent Interviews – Wednesday 10 March 2021 With Early close 11.30am

Please be advised that Wednesday 10 March 2021 has been set aside for parent interviews and all staff will be on school site to meet with parents.

The school will have an early closure at 11.30am; students are to be collected from their class at this time. If you would like your child to walk/ride home or be collected by someone different it is important that you provide the class teacher with a note or advise via email.

Parents are asked to make alternative arrangements for their child/ren on this day.

All parents are encouraged to find a time to speak with their child’s teachers and to connect individually with their child’s learning.

As per last year the booking of parent interviews with teachers will be done online through the website School Interviews  More information on how to book will be available next week.

Bookings will open Thursday 25 February 2021 at 9.00am and close on Friday 5 March 2021 at 1.00pm.