Principal’s Address 2 September 2019

Dear Parents/carers,

We have had a highly productive term so far with a great many exciting events coming up, such as the athletics carnivals. I am always impressed by the staff and students and their ability to combine extra curricula events with the core business of the day.

Behaviour Management

Currently the school board are reviewing our Behaviour Management in School policy, we look forward to consultation from community on this also. At Campbell PS we manage very few major behaviour incidents and this is a credit to students, staff and parents. We do, however, as do all schools, manage several lower level behaviour incidents. At times these result in a detention which is a short period of time of withdrawal during break time; during this time a restorative conversation is carried out with the child. This supports the child in making better choices going forward.

I also wish to acknowledge the support we get from parents in supporting our decisions regarding consequences for behaviours. It is vital for our children that we work as a team in this area and children see this. The staff at Campbell make very informed decisions regarding behaviour management and consequences, with our intent always on supporting students to make good choices. We expect our students to make poor choices from time to time and know that it is what they learn from this that is most vital. Resiliency is also supported through this process. The restorative conversations we have with students at school are supportive and we trust this is reflected at home also.

I look forward to your ongoing support of the staff and students in supporting our students to take responsibility for their behaviours and accept responsibility and consequences – a skill that will be of great importance for them as they become young adults.


Campbell would like to congratulate Mrs Kylie Avery who has gained the substantive role as Assistant Principal at Bletchley Park Primary School.  I am sure there are many families who would like to wish her well in her new role. Mrs Avery was a highly valued teacher at Campbell PS and it comes as no surprise that she has been promoted into the role of assistant principal at Bletchley Park PS. I know she will continue to make a demonstrable difference to the students in her care.

Welcome to Mrs Amanda Downing who has been merit selected as our School Officer.  Mrs Downing has already had a very positive impact within our school. Please take the time to introduce yourself when you are in the office next.

Congratulations to Mr Francesco D’Addeigo who has also been merit selected as our new cleaner.


Student reports are expected to be available for parents mid to late September. The preliminary results that the school has received look very positive. A comprehensive analysis of the school’s results will be shared with the community once made available to the school.

Enrolments 2020 Kindergarten and Pre-primary

The school is currently taking enrolments for 2020 in kindergarten and pre-primary.  If you or a neighbour has not yet enrolled your child, you are encouraged to do so as soon as convenient to ensure a place.

Not Returning to Campbell in 2020

Planning for Campbell’s 2020 school year has commenced. Accuracy in projected enrolments is vital as it is the number of students that we are primarily funded on.  I would ask that parents please advise the school if their child/ren will not be returning to Campbell next year. Please email Sue Forman, Manager Corporate Services – if and when you decide your child will not be returning and what school they will be transferring to.  We appreciate any information that you can provide us with as soon as convenient.

Father’s Day

It was fantastic to see so many dads and significant people from our Kindergarten and Pre-primary students’ lives attend the Father’s Day activities.  I am sure that they enjoyed playing games, loved their sandwiches and gifts that the students were thrilled to make for them.  Thank you to the staff for all their work in making these sessions such a wonderful success.


Book Fair

Once again Campbell Primary School had a very successful Book Fair.  I would like to thank all the families who purchased from the fair this year, the commission received for all sales provides a valuable source of reading material for our Library.  Special thanks to Mrs Prior, Mrs Habib, Mrs Pescud, Mrs Exell and Ms Baillie for coordinating the event.  Your commitment to the Book Fair is greatly appreciated.

Athletics Carnivals – Week 9

A reminder to parents and caregivers that in Week 9 students will be participating in the Athletics Carnivals.  I would like to wish them all the best in their events and I would encourage you to attend these wonderful days.  All times given on the programs are approximate, parents are asked to allow time both before and after event times if they wish to see their child participate.

Please visit the school’s website to view the programs at



On Thursday 12 September 2019, Campbell is recognising RUOK? Day. This is a national day of action to support the suicide prevention and mental health organisation RUOK?, which is dedicated to encouraging and empowering everyone to have supportive conversations.

All students within the school will be taught the 4 key steps to asking if someone is O.K. to support this initiative.

  1. Ask R U OK?
  2. Listen
  3. Encourage action
  4. Check in

More information is available from

Staff and students are encouraged to wear yellow on this day.


Please be reminded that Monday 14 October 2019 is a Staff Development day and as such students do not attend school on this day. Students commence Term 4 on Tuesday 15 October 2019.

Lynne Bates


September 2019