Dear parents/carers, staff and students,
We have enjoyed a very productive term so far with all children displaying the school’s values of respect, resilience and kindness. I have been so impressed with many of our students making their way to their classrooms independently; this is such a credit to them and to you as parents. The Campbell school community continues to be one of great care and support and I thank you all for your role in making this such a wonderful school.
Wacky Hair Day Fundraiser
I congratulate our Year 6 students for their organisation of the Wacky Hair Day fundraiser. This event raised $632.35 for the bushfire appeal.
Student Leadership and Engagement Procedures
Earlier this term we reviewed this policy. This included conversations with all Year 5 students who will be eligible for roles in 2022. Their feedback was insightful and was included in the reviewed document. All students agreed that the selection of leaders should be determined through 3 key areas: votes, staff feedback and reference to recent behaviours. It was a pleasure to discuss this process with the students and ensure that their voice is represented. Please take the time to read the procedures on the website.
Voluntary Contributions- Winner of the iPAD
A huge thank you to the families that have paid their voluntary contributions. It is with great pleasure that I announce Rocky B Year 3 and his younger brother Roman in Kindergarten were the lucky children to have won the iPAD.
We are still very much in need of parents paying the voluntary contributions.
How to Make Payments
Payment of Contributions can be paid via the QKR! by MasterCard app at any time.
Payment of Contributions can also be made at the school office by cash, cheque or EFTPOS or by direct deposit into the school bank account
Campbell PS BSB 066 040 Acct No. 1990 1017
Please note child’s name in details
Progress payments are welcome and can be paid at the School Administration or by direct deposit into the school bank account (listed above).
Should you have an enquiry relating to the topic of Contributions & Charges please contact the School Administration.
Parent Teacher interviews- Early Close this Wednesday
Parents are reminded that the school will close at 11:30 am this Wednesday 10 March 2021. This early close allows for the staff to meet with parents and discuss how your child is settling in to the new year. We look forward to working with all parents as partners in the education of your child/ren.
School Start time and Duty of Care
A reminder that students that arrive at school before 8:15 am are to sit outside the administration office opposite the staff room. They will be dismissed from here, to the Boulevard area, at 8:15 am. Students should not arrive at school before 8:00 am.
Parents are also reminded that children are not to use playgrounds before or after school.
There is a great need within the school to access more parent volunteers, at this time we are seeking volunteers to assist in the school library. This may be just to assist with shelving, book covering or accessioning of books. No training is required, just come along and enjoy an hour or more if you can, in assisting in the library. Please let the front office know if you can assist, alternatively drop in and say hi to Ali, the librarian here at Campbell PS. Ali works each Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
School Canteen
A reminder to all families that the school canteen operates on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday only. Parent volunteers are welcomed. Please phone or email the school to let us know you are interested. Alternatively, pop in and see the ladies in the canteen.
Classroom Communication
Parents are reminded that the electronic platform to communicate with parents is CONNECT. If you are experiencing any difficulties with this platform, please contact the front office.
P&C Annual General Meeting
The P&C are an invaluable resource to our school with a long history of parent involvement at Campbell Primary School. The P&C functions in the school include: bringing parents together to share information and views, stimulating community interest and participation in education, school banking, fundraising to support with the purchase of much needed resources throughout our school, community engagement opportunities and community events. Each year P&C meetings are held twice a term and run for an hour. Over the last 6 years I have observed tremendous dedication and commitment by all members of the P&C in supporting our school.
On Monday evening the P&C Annual General Meeting was held with all office bearer positions declared vacant. Unfortunately, at this meeting these positions were not filled. As such there will be another meeting held on the 29 March, 2021 at 3:00pm. We really do hope to see more parents/carers attend and hopefully with an interest in taking on one of these roles. Support in understanding and learning the roles will be provided through the current office bearers who will remain on the P&C. I urge parents to become involved. If you have children that you have collected, we will offer care for them whilst you attend the meeting.
In order to enhance parents’ understanding of the role of the P&C and what the office bearers’ roles entail, I will hold a Partnership with Parents workshop on Wednesday morning 24 March, 2021 at 8:40 am in the school library. This workshop will enable you to gain greater insight in to the roles and functions of the P&C to then determine if you wish to join the P&C and maybe even take on one of the roles.
All parents/carers are invited to attend. A current representative from the P&C will also join me at this meeting. Please come along and enjoy learning more about the school Parent and Citizens Association.
If you would like more information about the P&C please visit – The Western Australian Council of State School Organisations Incorporated (WACSSO)
Please also refer to the link on the school’s webpage for further information regarding the P&C roles.
“ Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they have the heart.” ~ Elizabeth Andrew
Kind regards,
Lynne Bates