Bullying Prevention Procedures

Bullying Definition

Bullying is an ongoing and deliberate misuse of power in relationships through repeated verbal, physical and/or social behaviour that intends to cause physical, social and/or psychological harm. It can involve an individual or a group misusing their power, or perceived power, over one or more persons who feel unable to stop it from happening.

Bullying can happen in person or online, via various digital platforms and devices and it can be obvious (overt) or hidden (covert). Bullying behaviour is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time (for example, through sharing of digital records).

Bullying of any form or for any reason can have immediate, medium and long-term effects on those involved, including bystanders. Single incidents and conflict or fights between equals, whether in person or online, are not defined as bullying.   Reference: bullyingnoway.gov.au


Cyber-bullying refers to bullying through information and communication technologies.

In creating and maintaining a safe and supportive school environment, strategies to address bullying include:

  • preventing bullying through promoting a positive whole-school culture based on values agreed to by the whole school community
  • intervening early in suspected or identified bullying issues and communicating clearly with all involved
  • developing a shared understanding of bullying and how it differs from other types of conflict or aggression.

Campbell Primary School has a ZERO TOLERANCE for bullying.  In the case of bullying, students may be fast tracked to Administration.  A detention or in school withdrawal may be appropriate.

Bullying involves:

  • Verbal Bullying: The repeated use of words to hurt or humiliate another individual or group.  Verbal bullying includes using put-downs, insulting language, name-calling, swearing, nasty notes and homophobic, racist or sexist comments.
  • Emotional/Psychological Bullying: Includes repeated stalking, threats or implied threats, unwanted email or text messaging, abusive websites, threatening gestures, manipulation, emotional blackmail, and threats to an individual’s reputation and sense of safety.
  • Relational Bullying: Usually involves repeatedly ostracising others by leaving them out or convincing others to exclude or reject another individual or group, making up or spreading rumours, and sharing or threatening to share another’s personal information.
  • Physical Bullying: Includes repetitive low level hitting, kicking, pinching, pushing, tripping, ‘ganging up’, unwanted physical or sexual touching and damage to personal property. More serious violent behaviours are not necessarily treated as bullying and may be better managed through the school’s discipline processes.
  • Cyber Bullying: Involves the use of information and communication technologies such as email, text messages, instant messaging and websites to engage in the bullying of other individuals or groups. This technology provides an alternative means for verbal, relational and psychological forms of bullying. (Refer to Mobile Phone Policy)
  • Bystanders: Bystanders are those who are aware of, or witnesses to, bullying but are not directly involved in bullying or being bullied themselves. All members of a school community need to know how to support those who are being bullied and how to discourage bullying behaviours.  Any member of the school community can be a bystander and can learn ways to act successfully in preventing or stopping bullying.

Intervention for Bullying Incidents

Schools provide clearly articulated procedures for responding to incidents of bullying:

  • staff are provided with the support and training to confidently manage bullying situations as they occur;
  • staff, students and parents have processes for reporting incidents of bullying or when they become aware that a student needs support because of bullying;
  • intervention practices that resolve conflicts, restore relationships, and promote tolerance and social problem‑solving are used for responding to bullying incidents;
  • there are processes for recording and monitoring bullying incidents and interventions;
  • bullied students are provided with supports to promote recovery and resilience; and
  • case management of students involved in persistent bullying is implemented.

All members of our school community are committed to ensuring a safe and supportive environment where all members have the right to be respected and have a responsibility to respect each other.

Dealing with Bullying

Teachers’ Role:

  • Take bullying seriously and act upon each incident reported to them.
  • Discuss and model appropriate standards of behaviour within the classroom and the school.
  • Use the school’s support services where necessary.
  • Communicate with other staff as required.

Step One:

Bullying to be dealt with by the duty teacher/class teacher and may involve parents.

  1. Meet with the key stakeholders.
  2. Discuss with carers and students together if appropriate.
  3. Strategies/interventions e.g. individual behaviour plan if warranted.
  4. If no resolution of the incident occurs, or no improvement in behaviour occurs to Step Two. Parents contacted and alleged bully isolated during recess and lunch time.
  5. School Psych/Admin involvement.



Step Two:

  1. Withdrawal, suspension or exclusion procedures at the discretion of the Principal.
  2. On return to school, parents and child attend meeting with Principal regarding agreed behaviours and outcomes. An independent Behaviour Plan may be initiated.
  3. Follow up monitoring for one week. If re-offending happens in that week procedure begins again


Victim Support:

Support will be provided for students who are witnesses or victims of bullying and harassment by one or more of the following:

  • Classroom teacher
  • Administration
  • Parents contacted
  • School Psychologist engaged
  • School Chaplain engagement
  • Other outside agencies as required.

Proactive Strategies

  • Highlight the difference between ‘dobbing’ and ‘telling’.
  • Focus on CPS Values of respect, resilience and kindness
  • Targeted Health and Well-being programme.
  • Be You programme.
  • Parent workshops