Student Leadership and Engagement Procedures

Student Leadership and Engagement Procedures 


  • Developing a student leadership framework is a Business Plan (2022-2024) strategy, the implementation of which will result in students demonstrating increased leadership skills and partaking in more whole school responsibilities.
  • Formal Year 6 leadership roles are those of Student Councillor and Faction Captain. There are 10 Student Councillors and 8 Faction Captains selected each year

Their roles and responsibilities are set out below:

Student Faction Leader Privileges

Student leaders will:

  • have prominent roles in school sports events
  • be provided with opportunities to show initiative
  • Coordinate recess and lunch time sport activities as requested
  • Lead their Factions during sports events and carnivals
  • Assist in the organisation and running of CPS sports events
  • Wear Faction Leader badges

Student Faction Leader Responsibilities

  • Agree to abide by the terms of the Faction Captain Contract
  • Display responsible behaviour and model the Campbell PS values to retain their role
  • Attend and actively participate in regular Faction Captain meetings
  • Provide leadership and role modelling during school break times and sports events
  • Support and assist students requiring assistance at break time
  • Assist in organised sport across the school during breaks as requested
  • Assist the Physical Education Specialist teacher to manage recess and lunchtime sports and equipment
  • Maintain the good order of the sports store
  • Wear the school and/or faction uniform as appropriate

Student Councillor Privileges

Student leaders will: 

  • have prominent roles in school events
  • be provided with opportunities to show initiative
  • Welcome special guests and represent the school at official functions
  • Wear Student Councillor badges
  • Attend an excursion to State Parliament House
  • Participate in student leadership conferences
  • Present at School Board meetings

Student Councillor Responsibilities

  • Agree to abide by the terms of the Student Council Contract
  • Display responsible behaviour and model the Campbell PS values to retain their role
  • Attend and actively participate in regular Councillor meetings
  • Assist in organising the school assemblies and events
  • Wear school uniform
  • Assist the school Executive Team as required
  • Support and assist students requiring assistance at break times
  • Speak publicly and provide duties as Masters of Ceremony as required
  • Plan and implement regular fund-raising activities to benefit recognised charity organisations as per the Campbell Philanthropic Policy

Selection Process 

The selection process commences in Term 4 and includes the following:

  • Candidates are to give a two-minute speech to canvass for votes.
  • All students from Year 3 to Year 5 vote for their top 3 male and top 3 female candidates for student councillors.
  • Year 6 student leaders vote for incoming Year 5 student councillors.
  • Students in each faction from Year 3 to Year 5 vote for faction captains.
  • Year 6 faction captains vote for incoming Year 5 faction captains.
  • Staff are consulted with around the suitability of students for leadership positions.
  • Administration staff will consider the voting returns and feedback from staff when awarding leadership positions. This process will include a review of recent school-based behaviour record keeping, Good Standing and civic responsibility.
  • The Student Councillor selection process will be coordinated by an Assistant Principal and the Year 5 Team Leader.
  • The selection process for Faction Captains will be coordinated by an Assistant Principal, Physical Education Specialist, and the Year 5 Team Leader.
  • The Principal is responsible for the final approval of all recommendations.
  • Newly elected leaders will shadow existing leaders to learn their roles in Term 4. 


The selection of all student leaders is based upon 3 factors:

– Student Votes

– Staff feedback

– Administration consideration