Good Standing Policy

Rationale Statement

At Campbell Primary School, the Good Standing policy supports the school’s Behaviour Management in Schools (BMiS) policy and Code of Conduct by acknowledging and rewarding exemplary behaviour. Loss of good standing occurs after a suspension or series of behaviours that are not aligned with the school student behaviour plan.

The processes embedded within good standing requirements are underpinned by the following key principles of restorative practice:

  • Positive interpersonal relationships are a major influence on behaviour.
  • A culture of care supports all individuals in the school community.
  • Cultural receptiveness and responsiveness is key to creating learning communities to mutual respect and inclusion.
  • A restorative approach leads to individuals taking responsibility for their behaviour.

The Good Standing Policy supports our students to make positive choices for their behaviour. It is, however, recognised that at times there may be exceptional circumstances that have resulted in negative behaviours and/or the student has special needs. On these occasions all factors will be taken in to consideration when a decision is to be made to withdraw good standing and this remains at the discretion of the Principal or the Principal’s delegate.


All students commence with and retain good standing while exhibiting behaviours that align with the school’s values and beliefs as articulated in the school’s behaviour plan.  It is the responsibility of each student to maintain their Good Standing.

Acknowledging Good Standing

All students that maintain their Good Standing for the term will receive a Good Standing certificate.

Students that maintain Good Standing for the whole year will receive a letter of commendation from the principal in recognition of their positive code of conduct.

Loss of Good Standing will occur when a student:

  • Makes physical contact with the intention to harm another student or staff member.
  • Exhibits behaviour that results in an in-school withdrawal or suspension, this includes social media E- safety Breaches.

Notification process:

  • Parents of students who are at risk of losing their Good Standing will be contacted by class teachers.
  • If a student loses their Good Standing, parents will be contacted by classroom teacher and/or the school administration by phone or in writing.

Consequences for losing Good Standing:

  • Students who lose their Good Standing may have privileges removed, such as attending non-curricular events.
  • Students who lose their good standing in any Term will not receive a Good Standing certificate at the end of the term.
  • Students that lose their Good Standing in more than one term will not receive a letter from the principal at the end of the year.

Re-instatement of Good Standing

  • Good standing will be lost for a period of three weeks. During this time the classroom teacher and a member of the executive team will have a restorative conversation with the child to discuss what behaviours are required to regain good standing.


Approved at Board 2021:

Next review 2023