This morning, Thursday 22 April 2021, we held our ANZAC service. It was such a joy to have all of our students from Year 1-6 together in the UCA, joined by parents and special dignitaries. ANZAC inspired student artwork surrounded the room creating a lovely backdrop. It was a privilege to have former Warrant Officer, Mr Graeme Bland to deliver the ANZAC Day address and parent Nicky Sawires deliver the Acknowledgement of Country. Our talented Junior and Senior choir who were accompanied by musicians, Chenielle on the Glokenspiel and Holly on Violin and Soloist Iesha, were outstanding this morning, singing and performing beautifully.
The student leaders ran the service with great confidence with ANZAC readings completed by Jessica and Ayush.
The service was very moving and all students showed great respect at this important service. A special thank you to former student, Andrew W, for playing the last post.
A big thank you to the Campbell Primary School community and Jessons for their donations of flowers and greenery. We enjoyed a huge turnout of P&C volunteers and other community members to assist in making the wreaths, rosemary pins and posies. Our sincere thanks to Leonie, Belinda, Claudia, Michelle, Winnie, Leith, Christien, Michelle, Lifana, Quin Yun, Sharon, Gabrielle, Dee, Natasa, Shelly, Shih-Ling, Nadia and Petina.
A special thank you to Mrs Perica , Mr Nowell and Mrs Slee for coordinating this very special service.
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