In Kindy ELT 1, students have been very busy learning about Addition this week. They had lots of practice with their counting skills to count out, and add together two small collections. This important skill was then used to find the total of two numbers in a Number Bond. Students also needed to work out numbers that came before and after a given number. What clever cookies they are!
Pre-primary students have been hard at work learning about their final sound for the year ‘ay’ as in play.
Students have been making, reading and writing words with ‘ay’, as well as writing sentences using the sounding out strategy. Each week they also participate in Guided Reading sessions to put all their sound and letter knowledge to good work, and answer questions about what they’ve read.
In Maths, students have been learning about Place Value and how to split numbers into amounts of tens and ones. They have also been focusing on exploring different combinations in Problem Solving, working in partners to record their findings.