Student Voice
Student Voice.
Did you know that Student Voice is an area that Campbell Primary School has been working hard to develop over the life of the current business plan?
A school Student Leadership and Engagement Policy has been developed and the school is constantly seeking ways to involve students and gain their feedback on issues that are important to them. Students are also learning that decisions are made taking into account many different ideas and possible concerns.
School councillors have now completed their first term in office and have taken time to reflect on their roles and responsibilities, identify what is working well and plan for further improvement. Highlights of Term 1 have included working closely with younger students, both in classes and in the playground, organising and speaking at assemblies, learning new skills, working with different people and developing self-responsibility. Areas for future growth included the development of a “Green Team” project, development of rosters so that staff and students are aware of upcoming commitments and plans, and developing the use of a token system to reward students who are demonstrating the Campbell Values.
Year 6 students were asked to provide feedback regarding their recent Camp Days at Woodman Point Recreation Centre and points raised will be taken into account when planning for 2022. Overall, students loved the majority of outdoor activities offered but did wish that there was more time for additional activities. They enjoyed being able to wear casual clothes but found the bus ride long and tiring.
Year 6 students also completed an online survey in class regarding their preferences for Graduation activities.
They would love to have an end of year day out at an activity such as Laser Tag, an Aqua Park visit or trampolining.
The school is currently investigating these options and is planning an exciting program of graduation events for all.
Mandy Ward
Assistant Principal