Our school has been invited to plant seedlings in the local community by the Armadale Gosnells Landcare Group. This week a number of Campbell Primary School staff and approximately 269 students will be active citizens promoting environmental and sustainable responsibility in our local community area. As per our enrolment form you will have already consented to your child participating in teacher supervised excursions in the local area. If you have not consented in the original enrolment, please contact the school to advise if you wish for your child to attend.
Tuesday 16th October
9am – Kindergarten classes 1A and 2A.
10am – Year 1 ELA 4 and ELA 5.
11am – PP ELA 2 and Year 1 ELA 6
Thursday 18th October
9am – PP ELA 1 and Year 4 LA 19
Friday 19th October
9am Kindergarten classes 1B and 2B and PP ELA 3
By joining the Landcare program our school will be contributing to important environmental outcomes such as increasing biodiversity, improving water quality, creating habitat for native wildlife, reducing erosion and improving the aesthetics of the natural area directly opposite the school grounds on Comrie Road.
Planting native seedlings is an enjoyable way to add a practical aspect to lessons in an outdoor setting. The students will receive a ‘hands-on’ education experience while learning about our local natural environment.
AGLG staff will give a presentation on environmental restoration and its importance followed by a comprehensive planting demonstration. Then students plant seedlings as directed (AGLG will supply approximately 1000 plants and all tools required for successful planting).
Students should wear appropriate clothing and footwear perhaps even wishing to wear wellington boots to the experience. They may also like to have a spare set of clothing in their bags due to the swampy nature of the area they will be working in.