Dear Parents and Carers,
You may have seen the Western Australian Government announced last night that Perth and Peel will enter a lockdown effective 12.01am Tuesday, 29 June 2021. At this stage, this will be for a minimum of four days until 12.01am Saturday, 3 July 2021.
What you need to know:
- Schools remain OPEN for all students.
- Parents must wear masks on site.
- Students that do not attend school will be marked as a reasonable absence.
- We request that parents drop off and pick up at the gates. Staff will be at entry points to greet the children.
- Cleaning regimes will be maintained at school.
- Staff will continue to promote and practise good personal hygiene.
- Children should stay home if they are unwell.
- There will be no face to face, parent teacher meetings this week.
- All adults should practice 1.5 metres physical distancing.
Please stay well.
Kind regards,
Lynne Bates