Merit Certificates 12 August 2021

Congratulations to the students who received merit certificates this morning, Thursday 12 August 2021.

Nicola-Rose K LA8
Travis R LA8
Charlotte B LA9
Cooper P LA9
Kaden S LA9
King F LA9
Daniel F LA10
Kyle V LA10
Luke B LA10
Erica A LA11
Sari R LA11
Xavier W LA11
Bailey P LA12
Conor T LA12
Dhakshina A LA12
Gautam D LA12
Reshad R LA12
Cody R LA13
Iris L LA13
Marcus M LA13
Lauren C LA14
Rayanna F LA14
Sean V LA14
Nadia S LA15
Roan R LA15
Ryan K LA15
Isabel S LA16
Krish B LA16
Zinil K LA16