Year 6 Camp – Postponed


 Dear Parents/Carers,

Following advice and guidelines from the Department of Education in consultation with the Health Department of WA around COVID-19, we have made the decision to postpone next week’s Year 6 camp. This event is a non-essential event and does not provide capacity for social distancing in reference to sleeping arrangements. This decision has been made in the interests of student health.

Please be advised there is no cost incurred for cancellation and that we are working with the venue to re-schedule the camp for Term 4 this year. As soon as this is confirmed, we will inform parents and students.

We have informed students of the decision this afternoon and, although disappointing for all staff and students involved, we thank you for your anticipated support and understanding.

Kind regards,


Ms Lynnette Bates                           Mrs Mandy Slee

Principal                                            Assistant Principal

16 March 2020