Reporting 2018

Campbell Primary School Arts

The Campbell Primary Arts Team are trialling an exciting and innovative new format for reporting to parents in 2018. In addition to receiving subject area grades for Dance, Music and Visual Arts, parents will be given the opportunity to have real insight into the learning their children undertake in the Arts.

Parents of students participating in Dance will be invited to view their children’s choreography and take part in the reflection and goal setting process.  This will enable parents to understand the Choreography Process students use in Dance and share in the feedback given to their child.

Parents of students participating in Music will receive an annotated work sample outlining some of the skills and techniques utilised by students.  As this work sample is a snapshot of the Music learning process, parents are encouraged to use the work sample to initiate meaningful discussion about their learning in Music.

Parents of students participating in Visual Arts will receive an Art Portfolio at the end of the year.  This compilation of a variety of Art pieces will be annotated and success criteria (WALTs and WILFs) included to foster constructive conversations between parents and students about their work.


Parent Viewing Letter Dance