Supporting Student Wellbeing


Useful links

Family Mindfulness App

Parenting in a Pandemic by Triple P

Top Tips for Supporting Children Right Now

Children and Young Peoples Views on the Impact of COVID19 print.pdf?sfvrsn=f3a063ff_2%20parents


Parent Information

During this time, it is vital that students’ social, emotional and physical wellbeing is supported.  Campbell Primary School is dedicated to ensuring students’ needs in this area are a priority. With children spending more time at home, we want to support parents in providing them with researched and reputable resources and ideas that provide children with the support they need in this complex time.

Social and Emotional Wellbeing

Many parents are concerned about their children’s social and emotional wellbeing during this time. Campbell students have many strategies to deal with difficult times as are result of our excellent Social and Emotional Learning programmes such as Highway Heroes. At Campbell, all staff and students use the language of Highway Heroes daily and we encourage parents to do the same. Speak to your children about ‘the Highway of Life’, about ‘bumps’ and ‘hazards’ along the road. Students are encouraged to bounce back when faced with challenges by using ‘Super Thinking’ (positive self-talk) rather than ‘Stinking Thinking’ (catastrophizing, negative self-talk).

Our Campbell School Values of Respect, Resilience and Kindness have never been so important and relevant. At Campbell we acknowledge students demonstrating these values and encourage parents to use this language when praising children’s behaviour.

Mindful practices are held daily at Campbell Primary and is a tool that can help students to remain focused and calm during stressful times. A link to the Smiling Mind website is included below.

Please see below a list of excellent parent resources to assist supporting and talking with your children about these challenging times.

Be You: an excellent resource for parents and staff. The fact sheets provide useful, practical advice under a variety of topics.

Triple P Parent Tips for how to Support your Children During Uncertain Times.

World Health Organization: Information about how to help children cope with stress.

Ensuring our children stay connected to family and peers is important at this time but brings with it issues around appropriate use of technologies. Please refer to the eSafety Commissioner webpage below for parent information.

Student Wellbeing Hub: detailed information for parents on how to handle complex issues such as COVID-19.

Parents will find some practical advice for talking to their children about COVID-19.

Visit the Department of Health for accurate advice about COVID-19.


Physical Wellbeing

It is important for children to remain physically active every day. With the closure of venues and cancellation of children’s organised sports, providing opportunities for student to exercise daily can be challenging. We have provided below a number of ideas, resources and strategies for parents and strongly encourage you to schedule physical activity into your daily routines.